Saranne Bensusan’s dystopian short Lavender’s Blue has been selected for the Himachel short Film Festival, which takes place in October.
The film was co-written by Rachael Howard and stars Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter and the sound track composed and persormed by Guthrie Lowe
The short film, Lavender’s Blue, directed by Saranne Bensusan, has been selected for the Halo International Film Festival in Saint Petersburg, next Month.
The film was co-written by Rachael Howard
Lavender’s Blue, directed by Saranne Bensusan, has been selected for the Mumbai international cult film festival which is scheduled to take place on December the fifth.
The short film starring Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter was co-written by Rachael Howard and and Saranne Bensusan with music and lyrics performed by Guthrie Lowe.
Saranne Bensusan‘s short Anthropocene Chronicles film Lavender’s Blue has been selected for the LIFFT INDIA FILMOTSAV, which took place on December 25th in Pune, India
The film, starring Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter was written by Saranne Bensusan and Rachael Howard and has a soundtrack composed and performed by Guthrie Lowe
Lavender’s Blue has been selected for the 7th Goa short Film Festival, which is scheduled for November of 2020, Coronavirus permiting.
The film which stars Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter was directed by Saranne Bensusuan.
Saranne Bensusan‘s horror short Ménage du Trois has been selected for the first Nosferatu Film Festival, which takes place late next year, and is hosted by The Savoy Cinema, Doncaster.
The film stars Louise Rhian Poole and Mark Preston, and has already has a lot of festival success
In a recent Panel discussion at The Tallinn Black Nights festival, the problems of just aiming your film at these two exhibitors was discussed. Read the full article on Screen Daily