Watch the Snark free on Prime

The Hunting of the Snark is now on Amazon Prime in the UK

Our multi-award winning stop-MOTION animation, The Hunting of the Snark, is now available to watch for free on Amazon for Prime Subscribers! 

The film finished post production in April 2015, and went to the Marché du Film at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2015, where it was well received. Since then, it has made the official selection of 10 international film festivals, including three comic cons, and has also been selected for Toronto Film Week in September 2016, which runs alongside the Toronto Film Festival. It has also picked up six awards during its time on the festival circuit.  read more

British stop-motion animation of Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark now available

From the 3rd Story Productions is excited to announce the
launch of The Hunting of the Snark, a stop-motion animation based on Lewis
Carroll s final poem of the same name that was debuted in Cannes last year and
has gone on to pick up awards at festivals since.
From the 3rd Story Productions believe the film is in the vein of the original poem,
having kept the original dialogue whilst the director added her own, touches of
nonsense to Carroll s classic story. All this was brought to life with the aid of a
group of great actors which included Joerg Stadler (Saving Private Ryan), who
played the Bellman that was leading this group of strangers on their hunt.
In spite of its success, the film has had a rather low key launch so far, only
being made available on VOD, and a self-distributed DVD, with many
territories and formats still available to distributors, but find how to watch
the film you should visit
Sept2016 Toronto Film Week Official Selection
June2016 Southway Film Fest “Official Selection”
June2016 Phoenix Comicon Film Festival Official Selection
Feb2016 North Wales International Film Festival Best Animation
Jan2016 World Animation Awards Award of Merit Best Animated Feature
Oct2015 Russian International Film Festival “Official Selection”
Sept2015 IN.S.A.N.E. animation festival “Official Selection”
Sept2015 London Comic Con and Film Festival “Official Selection”
Aug2015 Fantasmagorical Film Festival, Kentucky “Best of the Fest – Animated Feature Film” read more

From The 3rd Story Productions ltd.