Privacy and Security at FromThe 3rd Story Productions ltd.

Information Commissioners Office

From The 3rd Story Productions ltd. are registered with the information commissioners office in the UK and are very serious about our responsibilities when it comes to keeping your data safe. We will never sell your personal information or make it available to any third parties unless required to by a court order or warrant.
See your rights that UK GDPR gives you here, the UK has adequacy with EU GDPR until at least 27th June 2025. read more

film distribution,VOD film sales,Sell your movie

Allow us to help you distribute your work

Distribute with From the 3rd Story Productions ltd.

Allow us to help you distribute your work, whether it’s a short or a feature, we will work to find a platform for it and will not charge you any fees to do so, just a commission on any income generated by the film (if you don’t earn, we don’t earn.) Our distribution network is growing as our titles reach more and more platforms, meaning more and more viewers and more income.



Distribution Slideshow

Shorts distribution

Form more information …

FJor more information on  From the 3rd Story Productions  Distribution, see their current catalogue here, or contact our on our Contact page

film distribution checklist

Film Distribution Checklist

Distributing a film, even a short can involve a lot of paperwork, we have created a checklist of what is required from you to go about selling your work.
Everything from a copy of the film, to subtitles (now a legal requirement for VOD in both the UK and the US)

Download checklist

funky paper pdf icon zJ2Rb6Ld L 1 - Film Distribution Checklist

Distribution Checklist

☐ Film in the best available format

☐  Trailer (if available)

☐ Posters (preferably as unflattened .psd, this may need to be reformatted for different exhibitor’s requirements or have text changed for different languages)

☐ Subtitles or Timed Text files (preferably in srt format) even if already embedded, as these may need to be translated for other languages. If you haven’t done them see this post

☐Music Cue sheet (if applicable)

☐  Statement from you saying that music in your film is licenced/original composition/public domain

List of Festivals

Main cast/crew and Production company info. also tell us who owns the copyright

Social media and Marketing info. (and the imdb page)

Stills and publicity shots

There may be other film-specific requirements, depending on the content of your film.

Get your work seen

Short film distribution

We at from the 3rd Story Productions are always looking for titles to distribute in our growing distribution network and above are some of the themes that we have bee n putting together packages for since our first shorts compilation Chunks of Horror hit the screens, whether you feel that your films fits into one of these categories or not, please drop us a screener via either our contact page or email.

Short Films for distribution

ongoing call for short films to distribute

following the success of Chunks of Horror, From the 3rd Story Productions is continuing its call for short content to distribute, this round has an emphasis on documentaries, but all genres are welcome.

To learn more about short film distribution with From the 3rd Story Productions, watch our slideshow here

Don’t forget to see our Distributon Checklist




From The 3rd Story Productions ltd. this can be typed or handwritten and photographed!Main cast/crew and productioncompany(ies) responsible, who owns the copyrightCast list and production company info. plus copyright owner’s name, don't make us try to work it out!How have you been promoting your film?tell us about social streams (facebook/twitter/instagram) that you use to promote the filmStills and publicity shotsImages that are not your poster, such as behind the scenes publity photos and stills