short horror film compilation now avaailable on Vimeo

Chunks of Horror launched on our Vimeo channel

From the 3rd Story Productions ltd. have released their first short film compilation, this one is a collection of Horror shorts bringing together film from around the world under the title Chunks of Horror and initially, like most oftheir realeases they have made it available via their Vimeo channel, it is expected to be released to other exhibitors over the coming weeks, we’ll keep you updated of any progress read more


Saranne Bensusan kicked off latest Director Showreel Day today, post your work too!

Film director Saranne Bensusan kicked off the latest DirectorShowreelDay this morning when she posted her latest short, a mobile-friendly version of Lavenders Blue! The event has become a regular opportunity for crew and those behind the canmera to show of their talents, just by sharing their work with the hashtag #DirectorShowreelDay read more

Dominic, Dotty, Beech

Anthropocene Chronicles Movie gets a Title as development progresses

The Feature Film Project based on the work of the Anthropocene Chronicles now has a title and is being produced as the writers have set to work. The movie is to be called Dissonance, and is currently being written by Saranne Bensusan writer Scheduled, Rachael Howard of Memories and Nick Jackson writer of The Colour of Roses read more

From The 3rd Story Productions ltd.