I am cursed now available to rent or buy on Amazon.com
‘Shirraz Khan’s feature film ‘I am Cursed’ which stars Alissa Christie, Jez Anderson and Shiraz Khan is now available to watch on Amazon in North America
‘Shirraz Khan’s feature film ‘I am Cursed’ which stars Alissa Christie, Jez Anderson and Shiraz Khan is now available to watch on Amazon in North America
From the 3rd Story Productions have made Shiraz Khan‘s film available on Vimeo as part of their film distribution service.
From the 3rd Story Productions have come to an agreement with Shiraz Khan to distribute his feature film I Am Cursed in the UK and North America on Video on Demand.
At From the 3rd Story Productions ltd., we have been working, since the release of Saranne Bensusan‘s movie, The Hunting of the Snark, trying to make independent film accessible to the public, which is becoming ever harder and harder with the closing of high street retail opportunities, and with theatrical releases now being limited to a few major studios who are then going on to make exclusive deals with VOD distributors to exhibit their content, you may wonder where your film will ever get seen?
The Hunting of the Snark is available on indiehomeTV throughout the world, including South America (where some streaming services have a limited catalogue)
Vimeo has recently become available on the Amazon Fire in addition to it’s being available on the AppleTV and Chromecast, a complete list of viewing platforms for Vimeo are available here.
for all the options on how to watch The Hunting of the Snark, including DVD
two years ago we presented our Stop-motion animation The Hunting of the Snark, directed by Saranne Bensusan, at the Marché du Film and it was subsequently distributed on VOD and DVD,
This year we will be attending Berlinale with new feature projects, from the ninth to the thirteenth of February, feel free to contact us for more info.
Lewis Carroll’s final poem The Hunting of the Snark, directed by Saranne Bensusan, is now available as a stop-motion animation on Amazon Video in Japan
The Hunting of the Snark is available to watch on a whole variety of formats in the United Kingdom, including Amazon and Vimeo which can both be accessed via a games console, SmartTV, or Amazon Fire.
The Film can also be watched online at indiehomeTV