Saranne Bensusan‘s stop-motion animation, The Hunting of the Snark, is now available to watch worldwide on The film is based on Lewis Carroll’s final poem of the same name and features Joerg Stadler of Saving Private Ryan as the Bellman leading an unlikely group that have come together with the one goal on hunting a Snark, regardless of the fact that none of them know what it is.
The Hunting of the Snark is available on DVD in a PAL format from Amazon (this is the European format and may not play on an American system (please check your settings)
Czech streaming service has now made The Hunting of the Snark available on their subscription service.
Saranne Bensusan‘s stop-motion animation, The Hunting of the Snark, based on Lewis Carroll’s final poem is now available to subscribers of OPPrime‘s VOD service
Saranne Bensusan, director of The Snark, our upcoming work Orpheus and Eurydice and many more, has updated the Special Effects, Art, & Set Building gallery on her website to include some of her more recent effects and prop making work.
Saranne Bensusan‘s stop-motion feature animation, The Hunting of the Snark, has now gone live on the streaming service Livetree.
If you have been lucky enough have bought The Hunting of the Snark on VOD from Amazon, we highly recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity to download it now as we are making some changes to our Amazon distribution titles and the existing listing may disappear in the near future.
August the first heralded a change as CreateSpace ceased to be Amazon‘s preferred media creation tool for filmmakers and musicians.
Amazon moved their disc creation dools over to a new site ( and in the process finally added the option to sell blu ray discs!
Saranne Bensusan‘s animated movie, The Hunting of the Snark, which is based on Lewis Carroll’s nonsense poem, is available to borrow from Libraries across North America, check out the map