short horror film compilation now avaailable on Vimeo

Chunks of Horror launched on our Vimeo channel

From the 3rd Story Productions ltd. have released their first short film compilation, this one is a collection of Horror shorts bringing together film from around the world under the title Chunks of Horror and initially, like most oftheir realeases they have made it available via their Vimeo channel, it is expected to be released to other exhibitors over the coming weeks, we’ll keep you updated of any progress read more

CanalTown SpookyFest

Ménage du Trois selected to the fifth annual Canaltown Short SpookyTown Movie Festival in Pennsylvania

We are delighted to announce that Ménage du Trois, written and directed by Saranne Bensuan, has been selected for this year’s SpookyTown Movie Festival inHonesdale, Pennsylvania. The film which stars Louise Rhian Poole and Mark Preston has been an extremely exciting festival run which shows no sign of abating. read more

Alternative Film Festival, Lavender's Blue

Lavender’s Blue Nominated as Semi-Finalist at Alternative Film Festival in Toronto

The short film Lavender’s Blue, directed by Saranne Bensusan, is a semi-finalist at the Alternative Film Festival in Toronto. The film written by Saranne Bensusan and Rachael Howard is part of The Anthropocene Chronicles and stars actress Stine Olsen in the role of Emilie with Natalie Sloth Richter playing Gina her A.I. unit. read more

Non-artistic data relating to short film selections

Short Movie Club post article on non-artistic factors relating to film selection

The Short Movie club have created a very interesting article  on the non-artistic factors that may affert your short film when you select it to a festival, everything from your genre to the festival’s standing has been broken down and it could guide when planning your next short. read more

Official Selection

Lavender’s Blue gets second festival selection in a fortnight!

The short film Lavender’s Blue, starring Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter has been selected for the BAFTA qualifying Portabello Road Film Festival in September.  The screenplay was written, in Danish, by (director) Saranne Bensusan and inspired by the nursery rhyme written by Rachael Howard for the short story “Memories” for The Anthropocene Chronicles read more

From The 3rd Story Productions ltd.