short horror film compilation now avaailable on Vimeo

Chunks of Horror launched on our Vimeo channel

From the 3rd Story Productions ltd. have released their first short film compilation, this one is a collection of Horror shorts bringing together film from around the world under the title Chunks of Horror and initially, like most oftheir realeases they have made it available via their Vimeo channel, it is expected to be released to other exhibitors over the coming weeks, we’ll keep you updated of any progress read more

Nicola's Shedim make Official Selection

Ménage du Trois selected for Post Mortem fest in Aguascalientes Mexico

Saranne Bensusan’s most recent short, Ménage du Trois, has been selected for the POST MORTEM Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Cine de Horror y Bizarro, in Aguascalientes Mexico.

The film stars Louise Rhian Poole and Mark Preston and can currently only be seen at festivals. read more

From The 3rd Story Productions ltd.